What is a digital world?

The digital world makes up human beings daily life. Not only is it something that is ever evolving and changing, the digital world controls everyday life. People now socialise through digital technology and their professional lives are influenced by technology (Keenan, 2015). The digital world has come about from changes made to technology, which can still be seen happening to this very day. The devices of the digital world are mobile phones, also known as smartphones, laptops and computers. These devices are the main devices, in which we could call smart devices, that have significantly advanced in the past 15 years leading to a change in society (Van Belleghem, 2016).

Human beings have their lives in their hands. By the touch of a button, everyday aspects of life can be controlled by a smart device. Human beings put so much trust into one device that you could almost say it is a controlling aspect of one’s life. Looking at it from an educational perspective, children from the age of 3 are glued to a smart device, it’s almost as if hands-on learning has been abandoned. From a professional perspective modern consumers demand and embrace improving advancements in technology, this intelligent standard is paving the way for leading companies around the world (Van Belleghem, 2016).

In simple terms the digital world surrounds people, it is all around them and it has gotten to the point where human beings cannot survive without the digital world because it is second nature to so many. The digital world is a complex equation that may create uncertainties and doubts but the reality of the digital world is that it is a world all people live in and a world that has many advancements and endless possibilities (Greengard, 2011). 


Keenan, D. (2015, March 24). Teaching In A Digital World [The ‘digital world’. What does it mean?]. Retrieved from https://donnakeenan.wordpress.com/2015/03/24/the-digital-world-what-does-it-mean/

Van Belleghem, S. (2016). How the digital world is shaping the modern consumer. Strategic Direction, 32(5), 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1108/SD-02-2016-0026

Greengard, S. (2011). Living In A Digital World. Communications Of The ACM, 54(10), 17-19. doi:10.1145/2001269.2001277 




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